Technology Development or Technology Transfer Relevant to Chemurgy 2.0
“We can learn to synthesize materials for every human need from things that grow.” - George Washington Carver
View the RFP here: 2024 Chemurgy Seed 1 Funding RFP.pdf

Iowa is known for supporting the human need for sustenance. Our vision is for Iowa to also become known for supporting other human needs via advanced biomanufacturing. Advanced biomanufacturing systems consist of new manufacturing methods and products enabled by innovation and reliance on a biological production system. Our focus aligns with the dual prioritization of biosciences and advanced manufacturing in Iowa. The goal of the EPSOCR program is to stimulate new research, increase federal funding (especially from NSF), and further economic growth in Iowa from this research.
This annual call is to stimulate new projects that were not part of the original proposal, that would further this vision and objective. These can be high-risk, high-impact and potentially transformative research in emerging areas or for technology transfer.
Funding is for a 12-month project with up to $50K of total costs (direct and indirect costs). Applicants may include indirect costs in accordance with their federally negotiated rate. Faculty salary support will not be considered for these limited awards. Cost share of 20% or greater is also required by NSF and should be part of the outlined budget.
All applications must include: (1) a statement of alignment with the Chemurgy 2.0 goals; (2) proposed activities and timeline; (3) expected impacts w/ plan for seeking additional external funding; (4) self-assessment of the risk; (5) plans for dissemination; (6) collaboration plan and work sites; (7) and high-level budget.
Proposals will be reviewed on the basis of responsiveness to the RFP, intellectual merit and broader impacts. The seed funding program is available to students and researchers at academic institutions throughout the state. All funded proposals and subsequent reports of activities and outcomes will be presented at the annual symposium, reviewed by external evaluators and the advisory council, and included in reports to NSF.
Formatting – 11 pt font minimum, 4 pages maximum, single PDF. Save file with this naming convention “LastName_Institution_RFP1_2024.pdf.”
Proposals are due April 26 (midnight)
Funding decisions will be made by May 17 with a tentative start date of May 30, 2024
Poster presentation at annual meeting in late July, early August of 2024
Final report to NSF due April 15, 2025
Anticipated funded project number – 2 to 6
Submit here – BOX FOLDER LINK