First Annual Advisory Council Meeting

On March 4, the Iowa NSF ESPCoR Advisory Council convened at Iowa State University for its inaugural face-to-face meeting with our group. During the session, Council members were briefed on our progress and some challenges by Laura Jarboe, our Project Director. Surya Mallapragada, Associate Vice President for Research, extended a warm welcome and provided updates on the external advisory board and the ongoing efforts of the VPR Office at Iowa State University.

Surya Mallapragada presentingNigel Reuel answering a question

Additionally, project updates were presented by Nigel Reuel, Monica Lamm, and Michael Roof. A special Zoom presentation on behalf of the SCCT team was delivered by Mary Losch, Director and Professor of Psychology at the Center for Social and Behavioral Research, University of Northern Iowa.

The six advisory council members—Jeff DeGrange,  Robert DiCosimo, Erik Hagberg, Mary Jane Hagenson, S. Keith Hargrove, and Brian McFarland—provided valuable feedback and recommendations on ways to enhance, expand, and sustain our efforts.

Keith Hargrove and other listening to presentationMichael Roof presenting

 audience member asking a question


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each advisory council member for their contributions, insightful questions, and commitment to the program!

Group photo of the Advisory Council


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NSF LogoThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No.2242763