Student Spotlight: Jenesis Perez

The Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, IINSPIRE LSAMP, is a group of colleges in the Midwest focused on boosting the involvement of minorities in STEM fields that started in 2011 with support from the NSF LSAMP. These colleges work together to create opportunities for underrepresented students in STEM, helping them succeed academically and professionally. IINSPIRE LSAMP aims to increase the number of STEM degrees awarded to minority students, support them throughout their studies, and enhance their learning experience through various methods and research.

Chemurgy 2.0 has placed an emphasis on student outreach and development. Our program strongly encourages and supports students participating in STEM research fields. We reached out Jenesis Perez, a former IINSPIRE LSAMP participant, and asked about her experience with the IINSPIRE LSAMP program. 


Jenesis PerezCan you tell us a bit about yourself and your background in STEM?

I am a first-generation college student at Iowa State University. I am a materials engineer. I've been growing my STEM background since middle school. I did wood, metal, and CAD work before attending college. 

How did you first learn about the IINSPIRE LSAMP program, and what motivated you to participate?

There is a program at ISU called LEAD (Leadership through Engineering Academic Diversity) that offers scholarships to incoming freshmen who are minorities in engineering. One of the requirements to receive the scholarship is to take a course they lead. Dr. Mary Darrow came into that class one day advertising IINSPIRE LSAMP. I went to college knowing I wanted to do research. IINSPIRE LSAMP encouraged and aided me in achieving this goal.


How has IINSPIRE LSAMP supported your academic and professional development in STEM?

IINSPIRE LSAMP helped me build help connections by helping me attend conferences. IINSPIRE LSAMP also helped me grow my understanding of what it means to be a professional researcher and helped me learn how to find new research opportunities.

Can you share any specific resources or opportunities provided by IINSPIRE LSAMP that have been particularly impactful for you?

IINSPIRE LSAMP funded me to attend the LSMRCE (Louis Stokes Midwest Regional Center of Excellence) annual conference. Their funding covered my travel, stay, attendance, and meals during the conference. The conference allowed me to tour Argonne National Laboratory, which was very beneficial to me because of my interest in working in a national laboratory. The conference allowed me to make new connections with IINSPIRE LSAMP directors at other universities. IINSPIRE LSAMP helped me learn how to create a research poster and know what judges typically look for in a research poster. I've presented my own research poster three times because of IINSPIRE LSAMP, which has built my confidence in presenting.

Which projects have you been involved in through IINSPIRE LSAMP? Describe your experience and the skills you gained.

During the summer of 2023, I worked under Dr. Alina Kirillova, a professor in the Department of Material Science and Engineering. I researched the mechanical properties of 3D-printed porous structures under her. I learned a program called nTopology independently. I had an independent project to create specific porous lattice structures in the program so they could be printed to advance Dr. Alina's research. I learned how to use different vat polymerization 3D printers and how Introns are used for mechanical testing. I learned how to take notes from academic papers and how to work in a group.

How has IINSPIRE IINSPIRE LSAMP contributed to your academic success and progression in your studies, STEM related or not?

The research during the summer of 2023 allowed me to learn how stress-strain graphs work before learning about them in class. The research experience also allowed me to apply the knowledge I had learned in class in a real-world application. Using knowledge I already knew helped me develop a better understanding of how that knowledge works.

Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles

Have you faced any challenges in your STEM education, and how has IINSPIRE LSAMP supported you in overcoming them?

IINSPIRE LSAMP helped me feel confident as a minority in research. There isn’t a strong presence of Mexican American female engineers, so I was nervous about what that would mean for me. IINSPIRE LSAMP fostered a community of nontraditional students, people of different races, and backgrounds. Their diverse community made me feel better about my lack of representation because amount of the other researchers who were also not very represented.

What advice do you have for other students who may be facing similar challenges in pursuing STEM degrees?

Finding a supportive community will help you grow and not feel alone. 

 Future Goals

How has IINSPIRE LSAMP influenced your career aspirations?

IINSPIRE LSAMP has reinforced my career goal of becoming a researcher.

Have you continued to be involved in STEM-related activities or organizations after completing IINSPIRE LSAMP?

I’ve continued working with IINSPIRE LSAMP after completing the summer program they offer. I am currently working for Dr. Aaron D Sadow with funding provided by IINSPIRE LSAMP. After my research experience with them during the summer of 2023, I've been looking for and attending conferences that will help me develop professionally.

Personal Growth

In what ways have you personally grown or developed as a result of your involvement with IINSPIRE LSAMP?

IINSPIRE LSAMP has strengthened my skills as a researcher and pride as a minority researcher.

Are there specific skills or qualities you've gained that you believe will be valuable in your future STEM career?

Knowing how to make a good research poster, research ethics, and data collection.

How did IINSPIRE LSAMP contribute to building a sense of community among underrepresented minorities in STEM at your school or institution?

Students whom IINSPIRE LSAMP funded to do research at ISU during the summer would have weekly in-person meetings. They encouraged group discussions, which allowed us to get to know each other better. IINSPIRE LSAMP would have an ISU student and a student from DMACC (Des Moines Area Community College) working for the same professor. This built a community by allowing minorities to work together in a research setting.

Final Thoughts

What advice would you give to other students considering participation in IINSPIRE LSAMP or similar programs?

Make a point to get to know the director of the program. They will be more inclined to let you know about more opportunities if they see you putting effort into the program. Make a point to get to know the professor you work for because they serve as a mentor. Use their knowledge about graduate school and past career experiences to create a plan for after you get your bachelor's. A good mentor will want to help you grow, so don't be afraid to ask questions.

In your opinion, how important is diversity and inclusion in STEM fields, and how has IINSPIRE LSAMP played a role in promoting these values?

I believe that diversity and inclusion in STEM fields is crucial. The more diverse minds working in a lab the more potential for new ideas. Diversity allows people from different backgrounds to collaborate and develop various ideas. IINSPIRE LSAMP promotes diversity by having members of very diverse backgrounds work together. People of different races, ages, and colleges were in their program. They teach members about identity and how our diverse backgrounds make us valuable to a team.


NSF LogoThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No.2242763